
A leaking radiator and a gynaecological challenge!

It all started on a sunny afternoon many years ago. Hubby and I were out running an errand and suddenly, the car was overheating. Why? We couldn't understand.  This was strange as this car is regularly serviced. We managed to reach the auto-mechanic's workshop without damage to the engine. He assessed it and lo and behold, he says "there's a small leak". Apparently, water had been escaping through this route hence our predicament that afternoon.  Aha! God taught me a valuable lesson. The problem wasn't that water 'left' the radiator. No! The problem was the exit point. If the mechanic had emptied the the radiator himself through some means involving the lifting of the lid (an authorised route), it wouldn't have been a problem and we wouldn't have referred to it as a leak.. But you see, the situation that afternoon was different. Reminds me of the story of a woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus and received her healing. Jesus said &qu

Enjoying God's Presence - My Top 5 Worship Songs at the Moment

Hello lovelies, I have been enjoying the presence of God with the company of some soul inspiring melodies, and I thought to share these tunes with you.  This is not a sponsored post; it is simply me sharing some of my worship inspirations with you.   Hence, I will be placing a link to the Youtube videos for you to add to your worship playlist. Be sure to share some songs from your worship  playlist in the comment section below. 

Reversing Policies 2

Three days, three layers of protection and One Man As discussed previously, rings are such an amazing piece of jewelry. However, t oday, I’ll be considering tombstones.  The tombstone - T his portrayed finality These were used in ancient times to seal up entire burial chambers as proof that one had crossed the Rubicon never to return. In other words, when you saw a tombstone sitting over a certain burial chamber, just forget it and move on with your life.

Solving National Problems: Lessons from Scripture

So, I was discussing this COVID-19 matter with the hubby today. Did we envisage this as a nation, as a continent? If we did, what measures did we put in place to ensure a soft landing for our citizens, our economy, etc.? This will not be the last of global health challenges and I am not a prophet of doom. If we think that after conquering COVID-19, then we can all live happily ever after forever, then we have it all twisted. Like never in our history, the world is and will be in search of problem solvers in states, countries and industries. People with ability, capacity, expertise and influence who will show up so God can show off. The bible stated clearly in Rom. 8:19 that the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

The Table of Greatness (part 1)

We have a primary purpose on earth which is to draw men to Christ, in order to achieve this, we need to utilize the gifts God has blessed us with. Everyone wants to be great, (well almost everyone) and that’s a beautiful thing but not many people want to pay the price for greatness (that’s where the challenge lies). Today, my focus will be on 2 things; first, how does one get a seat at the table of greatness and secondly what guarantees you a permanent place there. Please fasten your seat belts as I trust God to bless a life or two this afternoon. My anchor scripture today will be Prov. 22:29 – seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and not mere men”…

Reversing Policies: Signet Rings and a Susa Queen

Rings are such amazing pieces of jewellery connoting several meanings namely as emblems of companionship, symbols of devotion, marriage, and authority, etc. They could be promise rings, engagement or wedding rings, birthstone rings, or signet rings, etc. Ever heard of the signet ring? This is a ring with letters or designs carved into it but that’s not all there is to it.

Make effective decisions, avoid the ‘status-quo’ trap: tales from Jesse’s house

A friend of mine once sent me a 1998 Havard Business Review (HBR) article titled – the hidden traps of decision making. I found this an interesting read and years later, linking this article with certain occurrences in the bible opened my eyes to certain historical truths which I wish to share with you today. So, based on this article, there are nine traps or biases in decision-making, and one must consider them in order to make effective decisions.