A leaking radiator and a gynaecological challenge!

It all started on a sunny afternoon many years ago. Hubby and I were out running an errand and suddenly, the car was overheating. Why? We couldn't understand. 

This was strange as this car is regularly serviced.

We managed to reach the auto-mechanic's workshop without damage to the engine.

He assessed it and lo and behold, he says "there's a small leak". Apparently, water had been escaping through this route hence our predicament that afternoon. 

Aha! God taught me a valuable lesson. The problem wasn't that water 'left' the radiator. No! The problem was the exit point. If the mechanic had emptied the the radiator himself through some means involving the lifting of the lid (an authorised route), it wouldn't have been a problem and we wouldn't have referred to it as a leak.. But you see, the situation that afternoon was different.

Reminds me of the story of a woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus and received her healing. Jesus said "for I felt virtue leave me"...Lk. 8:46.

Aha! That was an authorised/legit channel and its called 'faith'.

Virtue left him through a faith channel and it wasn't a problem. 

Are you dispensing or leaking value and virtue? Think about it for a moment.

The woman with the issue of blood needed her healing. There was a gradient here, there was demand for value and it was supplied.

Now, this is not to embolden selfishness and refuse to help until people can 'demand' for or pay you. This is also not an anti-volunteering post. Volunteering and helping others are beautiful legit channels.

The lesson is be intentional about creating legit channels to dispense value and virtue.

It's 2023! 

Dont throw pearls to swine. 

Don't leave money on the table.

Don't be like my leaking radiator.

Be wise.
