Reversing Policies: Signet Rings and a Susa Queen

Rings are such amazing pieces of jewellery connoting several meanings namely as emblems of companionship, symbols of devotion, marriage, and authority, etc. They could be promise rings, engagement or wedding rings, birthstone rings, or signet rings, etc. Ever heard of the signet ring? This is a ring with letters or designs carved into it but that’s not all there is to it.

In ancient times, signet rings were worn by influential people: kings, governors, monarchs and typically used to seal documents. This is the origin of the corporate company seals used today. So, in ancient times, they would pour wax onto a document and seal it with the signet ring. This gave the document a tone of finality and ensured that the recipient was clear about the sender’s authority and the authenticity of the message.

In 486-465 B.C. in Susa (Esther 1), the capital of the Persian empire lived a powerful king whose name was Xerxes. Xerxes’ rule spanned India to Ethiopia, and he had recently appointed Haman, the Agagite as principal officer over all kingdom officials.  Everyone was expected to bow in reverence to him but Mordecai, a Jew and Queen Esther’s guardian refused. This angered Haman and he plotted the annihilation of every Jew in Susa (you can read the story in the book of Esther), the letters were sent out and sealed with THE SIGNET RING (this had been given to Haman) of the king. This caused mourning and weeping in the land of the Jews. As a Jew, Mordecai fasted, wailing in sack cloths near the king’s gate. Esther heard of this and was greatly troubled, she immediately sent a change of clothes to Mordecai which he rejected. Subsequently, she understood what the problem was and how grave the danger but there was a challenge, NO ONE could go into the king’s chamber uninvited, it spelled instant death for such a person. However, Mordecai stated unequivocally that if Esther (a Jew also) kept mute about the decree, God would send another helper and irrespective of her place as Queen, she and her family would not be spared. Remember, the message had been sealed with the king’s signet ring meaning it was irrevocable.

Now, this is my focus, Queen Esther sent a message to Mordecai saying “go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Susa, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so I will go in unto the king WHICH IS NOT ACCORDING TO THE LAW and if I perish, I perish” (emphasis mine). Esther 4:16. To cut the long story short, Haman was sentenced to death and the Jews were saved.

What changed? I thought the decree had been sealed with a signet ring of authority. Was this not the same King Xerxes whose official title was ‘Shahanshah’ meaning king of kings? So, what happened? Queen Esther, a Jew had decided to invoke a historical principle of a fast. Her people, the Jews were known to have embarked on fasts in times past when they sought God’s face for certain interventions. Well, Mordecai had jolted her into reality by reminding her of who and whose she was, and in humility, she cried out to the creator of all the earth, the maker of king Xerxes and the talented goldsmith who forged his ring. She understood her dual office as the reverential Queen Esther who was also a child of Abraham and taking advantage of this, she placed a demand on the Abrahamic covenant and saw phenomenal results.

What ‘signet ring’ policies have affected you negatively? Can you take a cue from this story and place a demand on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ after all it was Easter only a few days ago.

The end....

