Gain purpose-driven insight and enrich your skill set by learning practical lessons from God’s Word.

This Free online course takes you on a journey of self-discovery into the hidden principles of the Bible, while harnessing insights to win in life. Strategies for Living as the name implies will be very helpful in understanding human relationships, the place of service and ways to achieve victory amongst others.

The first phase of this course will run for a month from the 1st of July, 2020 to the 31st of July, 2020.


1 month –        2 hours a week (Study Time)

(1 hour 15 minutes Live Session on Zoom - Saturdays at 7 pm)


Upon completion of this course, you will receive a free digital certificate of completion downloadable in pdf format, sent to you via email.

Course Structure

Each week has a lesson plan that is shared to the learning group. Lesson/reading plans are crafted to stimulate critical thinking while engendering inflection/reflection moments. In the month of July, we will discuss and review five amazing lesson plans from the lives of Joseph, David, Esther, and Daniel.

Course Description

This course will first introduce you to the lives of Joseph and David in the bible. You will learn the differences and similarities between Joseph’s Dream and David’s Call, their reactions to these occurrences, and how these experiences relate to you as an individual. In addition, this course will discuss the validation and authentication that come with a promotion, and the reactions that follow.

Next, this course discusses the importance of David’s readiness to the call on his life, and his ability to articulate his resume before King Saul. You will learn the importance of personal branding and adequately articulating yourself before an interview panel, prospective employer, and customers. Furthermore, understand the significance of ‘Bear and the Lion’ experiences and its relevance to preparing oneself for greatness. You will gain a better understanding of life’s winning strategies as designed by God, learn how to protect your mind and strengthen your resolve in the face of adversity.

The role of favour in the life of an individual entails a divine selection process and a strategic positioning. Therefore, this course will also discuss this role with respect to the story of Queen Esther in the Bible. You will learn the products of obedience and disobedience, and the consequences of not ‘showing up’. In addition, you will learn about how to improve your sphere of influence and drive personal and professional growth.

Be sure to check out this course and learn useful life skills.


Modules/Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan 1 (July 1-4): Strategies for Living - Lessons from Joseph and David

·         The Place of Service

·         The significance of the Tunic


Lesson Plan 2 (July 5-11): Strategies for Living - Lessons from Joseph and David

·         The Dream and The Call

Lesson Plan 3 (a & b) (July 12-18):       Strategies for Living - Lessons from Joseph and David

·         Utilizing Your Gifts

·         The Primary and Secondary Gifts of David

·         Conducting Yourself in Difficult situations

·         The Potiphar Moment

·         Articulating Your Gifts and Skills

·         The Concept of More

·         The Role of Destiny Helpers

·         The Armour Bearer Concept

·         The Palace

·         David’s CV

·         The Bear and the Lion Experience

·         Preparing yourself

·         Battle Strategies

·         Strengthening your Resolve

Lesson Plan 4:        Strategies for Living - Esther

·         Favour

·         Divine Helpers (2)

·         The Concept of More (2)

·         Mordecai

·         Influence

·         The Victory Experience

Lesson Plan 5: Strategies for Living – Daniel

·         My resume vs employer/customer needs

·         Decoding secrets

·         Your life’s philosophy

·         The significance of a consistent value delivery chain

·         The spirit of excellence


We will continue to work to improve subsequent editions of the course and as such, we would appreciate your feedback via WhatsApp (registration form coming soon), in the comments section below, and in the feedback form that will be sent to you upon completion of the course.

Welcome once more to SJLG (Seeds and Jewels Life Groups). You just made a great decision and we are here to do life with you while ensuring you live life like a PRO (premium version 😘, nothing less).
