Solving National Problems: Lessons from Scripture

So, I was discussing this COVID-19 matter with the hubby today.

Did we envisage this as a nation, as a continent? If we did, what measures did we put in place to ensure a soft landing for our citizens, our economy, etc.?

This will not be the last of global health challenges and I am not a prophet of doom. If we think that after conquering COVID-19, then we can all live happily ever after forever, then we have it all twisted. Like never in our history, the world is and will be in search of problem solvers in states, countries and industries. People with ability, capacity, expertise and influence who will show up so God can show off. The bible stated clearly in Rom. 8:19 that the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

This is particularly important considering the problems of the 21st century which will not be solved by swords and spears, slings and stones or guns and grenades. The challenges of the 21st century are formidable and require bespoke interventions aimed at solving various problems speedily and simultaneously while ensuring equity and fairness. Interventions will need to take into cognizance contextualized population differences and can transcend borders and frontiers. Gone are the days of applying traditional linear approaches to problem-solving, we now require multi-sectoral, complex adaptive methods that can be evaluated in real time.

All I am saying people, is that a deeper level of wisdom and knowledge that is dynamic is required for solving the 21st century challenges. Let’s look at a few lessons from the bible and today I will focus on the story of Joseph. It is common knowledge that God endued Joseph with a supernatural ability to interpret dreams. (To allow for easy reading, I will only discuss an abridged version in today’s write-up).

So, what five fundamental factors enabled Joseph solve the national/global problem of his time?

·       Discover and acknowledge your supernatural ability, that which God has endowed you with so you can show up and allow Him to show off. This could be a talent, your passion, what you do so well, etc. Joseph understood this but we will not be discussing the ‘how’ today. Gen. 40:8

·       Work the promise in and out of season (hone your ability); in Potiphar’s house, the prison, wherever and each time you do, understand that you are only a signpost pointing men to the Giver of the gift. Be diligent!

·       Be steadfast, do not compromise. It’s better to lose the battle sometimes and win the war. Remember the same people who shout “all hail the King” will pressure Pontius Pilate to “crucify Him”. Be known for your stance.

·       Prepare to meet the king. Gen. 41:14 says ….and he shaved himself and changed his raiment. Don’t appear before great men disheveled and full of stories of how you have been treated unjustly and spent 2 years in prison as an innocent fellow. Save that for much later. Once you appear, Aunty and Uncle, please present VALUE only, proffer solutions.

·       Finally, complete the loop. Give more than is expected (God expects that from you). In Gen, 41: 25-31, Joseph interprets the dream. In verse 32, he informs Pharaoh of how much time is left to act and lastly, he proffers a solution in verses 33-36. Remember, that Joseph was invited ONLY to INTERPRET the dream, but he brought more value to the conversation and therefore exalted God so much that Pharaoh had to state that this was definitely the work of God (Gen. 41:38)

The end…

