Reversing Policies 2

Three days, three layers of protection and One Man

As discussed previously, rings are such an amazing piece of jewelry. However, today, I’ll be considering tombstones. 

The tombstone - This portrayed finality

These were used in ancient times to seal up entire burial chambers as proof that one had crossed the Rubicon never to return. In other words, when you saw a tombstone sitting over a certain burial chamber, just forget it and move on with your life.

So sometime in between AD 30 and 33/36, an ‘innocent’ man was hung on a cross to die. After His death, He was buried in a wealthy man’s tomb. To provide some context, this death was not ordinary, some ‘funny’ people had carried rumours about a possible resurrection. So, to ensure His disciples would not come at night to steal the body and claim a phony resurrection, the Pharisees saw to it that there were various layers of protection placed at the tomb entrance. They persuaded Pilate to seal the tomb and “so they made the tomb secure, and along with stationing a GUARD of soldiers to be on watch they set a SEAL on the stone” Matt 27:66. Now, historically, a Roman guard consisted of a 16-man unit of highly trained soldiers. Observe the three layers of precaution and protection utilized to ensure that body was kept secure until it decayed in those lonely chambers.

b.   The Roman seal

We discussed the significance of seals previously. This signified authority and authenticity. Historical accounts suggest this was a wax-like seal placed above and/or across the tomb and would have to be tampered with to gain access into the tomb which would incur the wrath of the Emperor.

c.   The presence of the Roman guard of soldiers

Rome was a world power and they had the best, well trained soldiers at the time. No jokes. With these layers of precautions, everyone could go to sleep with both eyes closed. While the tombstone was sitting over the burial chamber, people had returned to status quo, rumours were flying, conspiracy theories building, people were tweeting. Done and Dusted! However, somewhere in the depths of the earth, there was a stirring of the waters of deep, stuff was happening, the collection of the spoils of war, sustaining the gains of the cross. All happening behind the tombstone!

So, Sunday began with last minute preparation of spices to take to the tomb, birds cooing, sheep bleating. Just normalcy! The women discussed among each other, sharing their confusion and grief as they walked the dusty road to Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb expecting to seek permission from the guards to embalm Jesus’ body. They even pondered among each other asking “who will roll away the stone?”

Surprise! Surprise!!

Tombstone rolled away! How? Did they succeed in stealing the body? What kind of confusion is this? So, they stole this body? Finally. With all three layers of protection? Woman, relax, while men thought they were done, the Son of God was sorting you and all of humanity out.

Wait oh! So, who moved the stone? Who dared break the Roman seal? The world class guards "kwanu"? Heightened confusion!

Mary, can I break it down for you in hindsight? Three or a million layers of precaution are nada compared to the power of resurrection.

Is there anyone feeling stuck about a certain layer or layers of finality in their lives thinking all is over? Have the circumstances of life like an ancient tombstone hedged you in causing you to become claustrophobic? Honey, don’t worry, your anchor holds not just behind a torn veil but in His word. They thought they had you all figured out with their many layers of their precaution in place. Say to that situation….

Sunday is coming!
