
Showing posts from May, 2020

Are humans scum? Lessons from Gethsemane (part 1)

Are you like me? Do you hold people to high expectations? People you have invested your time, treasure, and life in, expecting them to stick with you during your life’s darkest moments? You know, like the idiom says, ‘to whom much is given, much is expected?’ Do you expect loyalty especially where it has been sown? It only seems right, doesn’t it? Have your hopes been dashed, and you have concluded that humans are not worth it?  Then this piece here is for you. The Plot So, the plot is set in AD 33 in Gethsemane, on the outskirts of one of the oldest cities in the world, Jerusalem. Jesus had celebrated Passover with His disciples; it must have been such a solemn assembly full of mixed feelings. The Judas’ of this world having their consciences marked with guilt while the Peters’ boasted in their ability to stick long and strong. The Passover was over, and Jesus took His close buddies – Peter, James and John Zebedee to a place called Gethsemane (by the way, the name – Gethsemane

The Dangers of Cutting Short the Process: 3 things you must know about the 3rd Temptation of Jesus

Yay! Hello People, Today, I upload the final part of a 3-part series on the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. So I remember when I was pregnant for my 2nd daughter, at some point, I could not wait for 9 months to be over. I started counting down but I also knew that it was best for that baby that she remained inside me until at least 37 completed weeks so I consoled myself with this fact. But, boy! at some point, I wished I could fast-forward the days and nights to hasten the process. Life is full of processes, for example, university degrees are not awarded after two days of attending school, they require that you spend a certain amount of time learning and being tested. Between the declaration of a thing and its manifestation lies a process. Seeking phony ways to cut short a process and arrive at your destination will most likely land you in trouble. The third (according to Matthew's account) temptation of Jesus reveals a clever plot to cause Jesus to abort a process and I

The Temptation of Pride: 2 beautiful lessons from the 2nd Temptation of Jesus

Hello People, So, as promised, this post is the 2nd in the 3-part series of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. I am particularly excited about this series because of all the juicy insights I have gleaned and their applicability in my life. I firmly believe that God's word is not just for some extraterrestrial beings somewhere in a spooky sphere but it is alive and active and is a mine of untapped treasures and riches which we must depend on to live life to its fullest and fulfill God's plan here on this side of eternity. On this note, I welcome you to the 2nd part of a 3-part series of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness. You know I must admit, I was awestruck when my eyes opened to the subtle element of intentionality shrouded in this particular temptation. Read on and let us know if this blessed you... The Temptation of Pride   Today, we discuss the 2 nd temptation (according to Matthew’s account) of Jesus in the wilderness post-baptism. I know that the 1

The Temptation of Inadequacies: 4 Practical Lessons from the 1st Temptation of Jesus

Hi Guys,  So I started a 3-part series on understanding the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness and the Holy Spirit has taught me quite some amazing stuff which I have decided to share here. I think what is most striking about these teachings for me is that they are practical and useful for daily living. The first part in the series discusses the first temptation in the wilderness and I have termed it 'the temptation of inadequacies', which is the title for this post. I will upload subsequent parts in the series soon.  Feel free to provide your feedback and let me know if this blessed you. Happy reading! The Temptation of Inadequacies.... So, John the Baptist had baptized Jesus (Matt. 3:16) and there was a public declaration of the sonship of Jesus by the Father. Following the release of the word of God, satan would seek to question in the hearer’s heart that which had been said. This was not the first time he was doing this; he had done this to Eve in the garden of Eden.