Are humans scum? Lessons from Gethsemane (part 1)

Are you like me? Do you hold people to high expectations? People you have invested your time, treasure, and life in, expecting them to stick with you during your life’s darkest moments? You know, like the idiom says, ‘to whom much is given, much is expected?’

Do you expect loyalty especially where it has been sown? It only seems right, doesn’t it?

Have your hopes been dashed, and you have concluded that humans are not worth it? 

Then this piece here is for you.

The Plot

So, the plot is set in AD 33 in Gethsemane, on the outskirts of one of the oldest cities in the world, Jerusalem. Jesus had celebrated Passover with His disciples; it must have been such a solemn assembly full of mixed feelings. The Judas’ of this world having their consciences marked with guilt while the Peters’ boasted in their ability to stick long and strong.

The Passover was over, and Jesus took His close buddies – Peter, James and John Zebedee to a place called Gethsemane (by the way, the name – Gethsemane means the ‘oil of pressing’. Considering what Jesus had to go through, this seemed like a perfect name for this kind of place). The bible records that Jesus said to Peter and the sons of Zebedee “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.” – Matt. 26:38.


Let us examine the words of Jesus – the Son of God felt such sorrow, such anguish that He likened it to death. As a result, He requested that His friends watch/pray with Him. I do not know of anywhere else in the bible where Jesus requests anyone to stand with Him in prayer. So, this must have been a deep-seated distress call to His ‘loyal’ friends, people He had poured His life into. He then went farther, face down to the earth to commune with His Father, the situation was becoming tense, the battle, fierce; the night, darker; the weight, heavier; the journey to the cross, closer. He poured out His heart to Papa, I like the way the Message bible puts it – “My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do you want?” (Matt. 26:39). One can only imagine the state of His heart as He expressed Himself verbally.

They slept...

Then, He came back to His friends (who must have stood with Him, watching, and praying) and………wait for it. They were sleeping, sleeping? Of all times to fall asleep? It had to be now. If it were me, Gethsemane would have echoed with my rants and complaints that night. What? If you do not sleep now, Peter, will you die? You, that satan desired to sift as common wheat (Lk. 22:31) but I prayed for you that your faith will not fail. You, that almost sunk in a sea with a maximum depth of about 141 feet, but I refused that would happen on my watch! You! That gave me the ‘we die here’ assurance few hours ago and now 60 minutes has become too long to keep your eyes open for me. My rants would also have been targeted at the sons of Zebedee, I would have reminded them of how their mother came to me begging for you both to sit at my right and left hand, highest places of honour in the Kingdom. Now, push has come to shove, and you cannot watch for one hour. Are you even serious? Is this how you want to sit at my right- and left-hand side? Where is that your Mum? I need to have a word with her. But, people, guess what? Jesus did not rant, these were His exact words in Matt. 26:41 (KJV) “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”.

Viewing perceived betrayal differently

Listen to His words – that you enter not into temptation. In other words, even though I asked you to watch with me Guys, this prayer watch is important for YOU also so that you do not fall into temptation. Jesus also understood their frailties, He added “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Now, this was not because he hated or despised them or thought them to be less of who they were. But Jesus knew that except one (irrespective of their loyalty, friendship, or relationship with you) is supernaturally empowered to help you, forget it. People will disappoint you not because they want to but because they are wired frail, we all need supernatural help to function optimally and simultaneously in every single sphere of our lives.

So, the next time you are tempted to rant and scream at the top of your lungs – “all men are scum”, all “women are scam”, “humans are crap” and “dogs are the best thing that happened to all of us since sliced bread”, take a break. Breathe, and understand that people must be supernaturally empowered to help you especially at your darkest moments.

In part two of the Gethsemane series, I will discuss the importance of prayer and its role when faced with temptation.

The end…..
