God is in the details………

It was probably a day like any other; the sun, up in the sky; animals bleating and barking; the air must have smelled the same as yesterday, nothing special. The only difference being David had to take a break from tending the sheep to serve his brothers who were at the battlefield facing an intimidating enemy. 1 Sam. 17

Nothing major, however, a General, in fact, the Chief of Army staff of a world-class army fell that day and Israel got the victory.

It was another sunny afternoon, houseflies taking advantage of the heat to stress the cows in the backyard as they flicked their tails driving the irritants away. Abraham, probably being driven out by the heat sat at the entrance of his tent when he noticed three men standing nearby and he proceeded to show hospitality. Gen. 18

Nothing major, however, something extraordinary took place and history was made, Isaac came to be.

He was weary from his journey (Jn. 4:4-30), He had left Judea and was headed to Galilee but decided to pass through Samaria….normal stuff. He stopped by a well and about the same time, a woman came by to fetch water (she had probably been fetching water from here for as long as she could remember). No drama, no thunder, no lightning, just a ‘regular’ conversation between two persons by a well, people probably passed by and had no idea the Son of God was in the neighbourhood.  Then, he asked for a drink and this led to the conversation of a lifetime for this woman who instantly became an evangelist leading an entire town to seek Jesus.

Examples abound of similar ‘regular’ stories in the bible which eventually became signposts, milestones, turning points for people, communities, and nations. Two lessons I want to point out here:

  • First, is all these people met with destiny while serving.  Abraham demonstrated hospitality, David went to serve his brothers, and the woman at the well had begun a conversation about providing water to a Jew (Jesus). Service is key!
  • Secondly, all these activities occurred while people carried out their normal routines, nothing major. None of them woke up hearing voices, was struck by lightning, or made deaf by thunder yet God showed up. He showed up to show off at the battlefield, He was standing at your tent door when the ‘heat’ of life pushed you out of your house and He stopped by at your favourite well. All routine activities, God is near you, my friend. Don’t look too far!

The end.
