Facts vs. Truth/ Where do you stand?

Hello everyone,

I trust that we are keeping safe.

Today on seedsandjewels.blogspot.com, I will be sharing an interesting article on evidence-based decision-making. So, I am a scientist and as one, we are trained to make decisions based on facts and evidence and nothing less. Research is conducted using a rigorous methodology, results are discussed, and peer-reviewed to ascertain validity and suitability for publication. Afterward, results can be quoted by colleagues and the public and utilized to make crucial decisions. So, you see, it then behooves the scientific community to ensure that all results are valid, and authentic. Nothing less..

The world system relies on hard facts to make decisions (at least this should be the basic minimum requirement). Our judicial, legislative, and executive systems rely on or should rely on facts and evidence to influence decision making. This way, we are assured that policies have undergone various decision-making processes before arriving at a conclusion and therefore would benefit the public or at least a greater majority.

However, my friends, sometimes facts are not enough to reach a decision and I will explain. There is an element that must be considered and that is – Truth. The truth remains constant and consistent through all seasons, situations, or circumstances. On the other hand, a fact may have elements of truth in it but can be manipulated to suit a certain situation. 

For example, based on facts proven in court, Keith Harward in Virginia, 1982 was wrongly convicted of a horrendous rape and murder allegation and was sentenced to 33 years in prison as a result. Six forensic experts had examined teeth marks from the victim and claimed that this matched Harward’s perfectly. One of them, Lowell Levine – an expert in forensic bite mark analysis has served as the president of the American Board of Forensic Odontology and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. It was not until 2016 that DNA analysis proved Keith Allen Haward innocent of the grisly crime more than 33 years later.

Facts can be manipulated, and its use can evolve over time (research gets better with time), another example is the use of the wonder drug - chloroquine for the treatment of malaria which is now being discouraged as a result of drug resistance. However, truth is static and remains the same over the years. An example of truth is the gospel, not its interpretation. Despite several attempts to misconstrue and manipulate the words of the Christ, they have remained true over centuries and the power locked in those ancient words hold the same efficacy generations after.

In Matt. 14: 13-21, we see a 5,000-man (asides women and children) miracle and teaching open-air conference had ended in the evening and everyone was expected to head home. No extra breakout sessions, no meetings or networking, no cocktail dinners, just go home. In order to enforce this, the disciples went to the conference guest – Jesus and provided hardcore facts to inform the decision to send the conference participants home.

First, was concerns with the location - “this is a deserted place” (vs. 15): meaning there are no restaurants here, no logistics company will deliver anything here (we did not pre-order anyway), no kiosks, no shops, no malls, nothing!

Second, was a challenge with timing – “the time is now past/the hour is already late” (vs. 15): so, even if our location was right, time is far spent. Shops will be closing, and people are retiring to their homes. It is already evening!

The third point was not something that they said but this is something crucial that I want to point out here. The two points above were brought to Jesus from authentic and validated sources - His disciples. These were men who understood the terrain, as entrepreneurs (fishermen), they had done business in places like this. As civil servants (tax collectors), they understood the workings of the economy and could advise appropriately. As doctors (Luke was a physician), they understood the implications of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) and why it was pertinent to send them home quickly to avoid medical emergencies (imagine a mass fainting spree).

In essence, the facts were all on the table, Jesus, please let them go home! 

But you see, people, sometimes facts are not enough to make certain decisions in your life. Yes, you are from a dysfunctional home and they told you that based on this fact, you may never be able to build a home yourself.

You are an orphan, and this puts you at a disadvantage already, forget it, you lost before the whistle was blown.

The relationship failed and he/she told you that you would amount to nothing without him/her (a mere mortal said this?).

You finished bottom of the class or you dropped out and so, there are no pieces to pick up

You were diagnosed with a terminal disease; therefore, you need to stop fighting, stop living and just give up.


Please, before you make your decisions based on hard core facts, permit me to introduce truth to the mix.

In verses 16 – 21, Jesus does not argue about the facts because they are all true, but they are not the truth. Instead, He focuses on five life-giving points:

·         The solution is near: Vs 16 – He says “they do not need to go away, you give them something to eat” – In other words, the solution is here. Find it. The earnest expectation awaits, it is your job to seek out the solution from God’s storehouse and serve the people. Do not outsource it. It is your challenge. Stand up to the challenge!

·         Submit your ‘5 and 2’: in verses 17-18, the disciples acknowledge their 5 loaves and 2 fish and Jesus instructs them to bring it to Him. What is your ‘5 and 2’? Are you underestimating this? Do you look down on yourself? Is the imposter syndrome messing up with your mind? Identify your ‘5 and 2’ and submit it to The Christ. Quit struggling.

·         Sit down (vs. 19): Sit down, girl. Sit down, Uncle. Do not let anxiety and panic choke you to death. Rest, facts are true, but they are not the truth! Sit down on the grass. He does lead us in green pastures. Find them and sit. Remember, you have brought your 5 and 2 to him. Please rest. Find the green, lush pastures of the word and sit there.

·         Give thanks and start breaking your bread (vs. 19): give thanks for your ‘5 and 2’, bless God, and start breaking your bread. Start taking baby steps in the direction of the goal, God laid in your heart. Ignore the distractions and just move howbeit gently.

·         Be expectant (vs. 20): All 5,000 men including women and children ate and they were full. Dear Reader, watch God use your ‘5 and 2’ for the benefit of the 5,000 (and not just for you). Your ‘5 and 2’ are for the benefit of your generation, your world, and your environment.

In the end, do not forget to share a part of your 12 baskets with me. I can recommend a logistics company that can deliver to my location…..lol.

See you in the next article.

The end.


  1. Thanks a lot sis. I’ve been very blessed. Thank God I persevered to the end.

  2. Awwww.
    Thank God you were blessed and thank you for checking out the blog.

    How are you, hubby and baby King? Trust everyone is great...


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